Blog 7: Two Annoying Things & Two Good Things

Let me be honest, I have no idea what to write about this week. All I can think about is how I need to take a long vacation somewhere far, far away from here. As a result of that, this blog will probably be more of a ramble rather than an actual blog. I guess we can talk about what’s going on this week.

I’ve got a documentary-type thing that I need to finish by Wednesday. I normally like watching docs, and would normally enjoy making them, but this one has done nothing but get on my nerves. I interviewed myself and three other girls. One girl decided to tell me she’d rather I not use her footage, so now I have to cut her out of the piece. I also hated the footage of myself being interviewed, mostly because I hate seeing myself on camera, but also partially because I got my brother to film it for me, and he kept bumping into the camera. Now let me tell you, if the camera is on a tripod, there is no reason for it to be shaking. I didn’t realize he had been rocking the camera until after I started editing the clips. Whoops. Aside from that issue, I haven’t even started shooting B-Roll yet, which means I need to do that today. This sucks because I haven’t had time to properly do this doc like I wanted.

In my cine class, I’ve got this black and white short to do, which is also getting on my nerves. I originally wanted to do a detective piece that was completely dark and bloody. When I met with my group to talk over how the story would go, it ended up turning into something completely different. I most definitely did not want to kill off the victim with a broom… but somehow that’s what’s going to happen. I intended to spend much more time on the script, but my free time last week was very limited. I spent what seemed like a quick 15 minutes (at around 2 AM) writing seven pages of a hot mess. The group could’ve taken turns writing the script, but then there would be four different people’s voices and writing styles trying to merge into one. Plus the rest of the group wanted to add comedy, which I was strictly against, so I was outnumbered. I want this project to hurry up and be over so that I can move on to the final project.

On a happier note, the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie is coming out on Friday. I plan to see it after class that day with my buddy Austin. The POTC series is my absolute favorite. I’ve seen the 2nd and 3rd films so many times I can quote them word for word. Once my sister and I muted the movie and took turns doing all the characters. She’s the one that introduced me to my Johnny Depp obsession, and she’s the only one that is equally as enthusiastic as me about Dead Men Tell No Tales. Sadly she is always working, so I can’t go see the movie with her.

This last thing is unrelated to film, but I feel like I need to mention it anyway. A few weeks ago, I decided to start a podcast. I’m still trying to get everything in order before I actually publish the first episode. I have a logo and a name, most of the gear, and a scheduled list of topics. My good friend Homero is helping me manage it and get everything is order. I’m super grateful for him because I am completely unorganized, and I need the help. In the next two weeks, I should be ready to publish the first episode. The name is a secret until then.

I’m done.